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Reptile Boot Camp

Dates for Reptile Boot Camp 2025: April 28th-May 11th

*This training is offered once in the spring each year*


The most intensive reptile-focused field training available in Ontario, Reptile Boot Camp is part of the Saving Turtles at Risk Today (S.T.A.R.T) and Conservation, Action, Research and Education about Snakes (C.A.R.E.S) Projects. Participation is mandatory for conservation staff, but volunteers or staff of other organizations are welcome.


Training includes:


  • Identification of native reptile and amphibian species,

  • reptile measurements, marking methods, sampling techniques

  • survey methods and planning, capture, handling techniques, gear selection,

  • digital data entry, community engagement, risk management,

  • leadership and teamwork



Participants should be physically fit, able to swim in cold water, tolerant of extreme environmental conditions, and ready for a challenge! Time will be split between field sites, preparatory exercises, and the classroom. Please note that participants must be 18 years old by the start of Boot Camp to participate.

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The Reptile Boot Camp training program is 14 days, including evenings and weekends. You must complete all training activities to pass the course. 

Due to requests from previous participants, Reptile Boot Camp is now a certification course with evaluation components to test candidates' knowledge and skills. 

Within Boot Camp, there are a series of course modules. Each module is evaluated separately, so it is possible, for example, to pass Reptile and Amphibian Identification without needing to complete the entire program. It's not an all or nothing situation. It is also possible for individuals to participate in Boot Camp and not receive a certification if they choose to attend only to build skills and gain experience!



Accommodations will be provided. You may choose to live off site, but be aware that hours will often exceed a regular workday.  


All participants participate in meal planning, preparation and clean up. Due to time constraints and limited storage space, we are unable to allow individual cooking (note some exceptions may apply). You may bring snacks if you wish; some snack items will also be provided onsite and for field activities. If you have allergies or food preferences, please let us know.


Program Costs

Due to the time and resources that go into running Reptile Boot Camp, there is a cost for registration, however there are options to reduce or subsidize this cost. The full cost is $2500+ HST. This cost can be fully or partially offset in exchange for volunteering following Boot Camp. Typically, a week of free training requires two weeks of volunteering.

​Register Here

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